Da es auf Druck von Eclipsed sehr eilig ist, den Tropfen fertig zu stellen - bisl Druck schadet uns ja auch nix - geht es nun an den richtigen Mix vom Realworld. Deadline ist Dienstag. Ich habe gestern und heute sämtliche neue Spuren aufbereitet (das Timing der Gitarre war eine Herausforderung... ;-) ) und bereits an Realworld geschickt. Jetzt kommt noch die Spotify Playlist ins Spiel und eine richtungsgebende Kritik am Monitor Mix. Ich habe mich um beides gekümmert, möchte es aber noch mal zu Eurer Revision hier bereitstellen, ehe ich es an Realworld schicke. Falls also Einwände bestehen oder Ergänzungen gewünscht sind, bitte schnellstens aufgemerkt! Ansonsten schicke ich das heut Abend so raus. Hier also mein Palaver, naheliegenderweise bereits in Angelsächsisch verfasst:
Hello Oli,
regarding the next stage for the mix of Tropfen, I like to give you some more detailed thoughts on the Monitor Mix.
Things we’re thrilled about:
- Guitar sound is downright perfect. - Vocal sound (except for too much saturation) is awesome. - Up-front placement of most signals is great. - Vocal sound and choice of reverb on Helena’s voice in the interlude is perfect as well.
Things we’d like to be different:
- Overall attitude is too forced, it is a heavy song of course, but the type of heaviness should be less „Nickelback“ and more „Led Zeppelin“ ;-) - Drumsound in general could be more in the direction of the Motorpsycho song in the attached Spotify playlist. - Cymbals are too hissy for our taste. - Way more dynamics and „air“ throughout the song (we know the monitor mix is a static picture, just want to mention it for the direction, we don’t need to participate in the Loudness war) - Prophet 5 in the interlude should preserve its edge - no doubling or chorus please, just some great reverb (Quantec? ;-) ) - Organ and Minimoog should be more equal partners with the guitar. - No audible distortion on Lead vocals.
Here’s a link to the Spotify Playlist we made, representing some of our musical backgrounds and some mixes we love:
Motorpsycho - Lacuna / Sunrise: With 5 individual tastes in our group, this could be called the common denominator in music style and sound. So this one could give the direction for (re)shaping the style of the mix a bit. Especially the sound of the drums and bass are great. Drums very up-front, but deep and open/airy at the same time. Bass very loud and present, but not annoying.
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks: Less an example for the exact sound to follow, but for the kind of attitude, when talking about „heavy“ (esp. Drums)…
Led Zeppelin - Thank You: Great Organ sound
Pink Floyd - Shine On (reprise): Musically a great inspiration for many of us. Also regarding the mix: Most signals very upfront, great overall clarity and detail. All the keyboard sounds on this recording can be taken as a blueprint for our taste - esp. Minimoog, Organ and clean Rhodes
Elbow - The Birds: A modern mix we really love - again in regards of detail, airiness and esp. dynamic unfolding throughout the song.
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited: Modern mix with a „big“ attitude. Despite exaggerated treble on lead vocals a great sonic picture.
The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris: See the above.
Talk Talk - Inheritance (the whole Spirit of Eden album): Prime example of what is meant when we speak of „airiness“
The National Bank - Family: Great mix overall, present and edgy synths, vintage drumsound in modern environment, in-your-face vocals
James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream: Example for „edgy“, up-front Prophet.
James Blake - Limit To Your Love: Example for Subbass (not for Tropfen but upcoming song Mantra)
Vielen Dank, Marius. Dein Englisch klingt wie geleckt.
Ergänzt hätte ich gern gewollt, dass das Imaging (das Stereobild) des Monitor Mixes in eine hervorrangende Richtung geht. Das sollte unbedingt unter den Dingen, die wir mögen, genannt werden.
Thrice - firebreather wegen der riffwalze Bloc party - like eating glass - geiles Schlagzeug und generell n cooler Sound, ma was gutes aus den 2000ern... hört ma rein
Wegen des Timings des neuen overdubs kann ich nur sagen, dass ich gerade besonders versucht habe, mich nach helenas Timing zu richten, was elsch und ich auch gelungen fanden...